GLF Schools

School Standards Board

Springfield Primary School is part of GLF Schools, a Multi Academy Trust (MAT). The governance structure of the MAT has been developed to support both the culture of GLF Schools and the effective management of a growing organisation. GLF Schools recognises the individuality of each school and that each school has its own distinct character and culture that is respectful of its community and context.

The Trust Board is the body accountable to the Secretary of State for all schools within the MAT and is responsible for compliance with government and Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) requirements, company law and charity law. As the body accountable, the Trust Board is responsible for the three core functions of governance:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  2. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

Whilst the Trust Board will always remain accountable, each school within the MAT has a School Standards Board (SSB) to provide the local governance function, to which the Trust Board delegates. Our SSB, which meets once per half term, has the following core responsibilities:

  1. Strategic oversight of the education provision of the school
  2. Strategic oversight of compliance by the school with GLF policies
  3. Supporting the Trust Board to ensure good governance across GLF

It is therefore important that our SSB comprises the right people with the right skills to make appropriate and informed decisions for the school, taking into account the views of children and students, staff, parents and the local community.

Further information on GLF governance arrangements can be found here

If you would like to view the minutes from a Governor meeting please visit our school office to request a copy

SSB Members



Mr Clive Suckling ( Community SSB Member and Chair of SSB)
As Chair, I have a key role in ensuring the SSB performs its role effectively. I had a modest upbringing, but benefited from excellent State schooling. Becoming a governor is my way of giving something back.  I see that strong governance can contribute significantly to the success of a school.   I am a Chartered Accountant with a long career in international business. Skills and experience that I bring to education from the commercial world include leadership, strategy and governance.


Mrs Lisa Griffiths ( Community SSB Member)
I have a specific responsibility for SEND provision. I wanted to be part of a team of people who all work together for the benefit of the children at Springfield.  I felt I could use my personal and professional skills and experience to be part of that. I have been a primary school teacher for 16 years and I am passionate about every child receiving a fantastic education.  I love being able to help children with their learning, to become curious about the world around them and develop their own interests.


Miss Lorraine Childs ( Parent SSB Member)
I am involved with English and the wider curriculum. I wanted to expand my role in the Springfield community by helping all children achieve their best, through close working relationships with the school. An extensive career in the civil service has provided me with vast experience dealing with young people and offering support where needed.



Role/Special Responsibility



Caroline Gibbins



Whilst in post

Clive Suckling

Chair of Governors



Lisa Griffiths

Community/SEND provision



Lorraine Childs




Oliver Clement

Community 01.09.2022


Anna Sinclair

Community 03.06.2024 4


In attendance:

Denise Peters




* Extended by mutual agreement.

The governors may be contacted through the Clerk at

The Chair of Governors can be contacted, in confidence, at

Click here for Attendance and Register of Business Interests