GLF Schools

Religious Education

The national curriculum states the by legal requirement:

Every school must promote the spiritual development of pupils and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of later life.

Legal requirements for Religious Education:

Religious Education is a statutory subject of the curriculum for all pupils in each year group and ‘should be provided for all registered pupils except those withdrawn at the request of their parents.’

Parents have the right to request that their child be excused from all or part of the Religious Education provided at school.

The RE curriculum covered is determined by the local Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE), which is responsible for producing the locally agreed syllabus for Religious Education. Agreed Syllabuses used in schools which are not designated with a religious character must ‘reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian, while taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain’. (s375 (3) Education Act 1996)

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum, we teach please contact the school directly.

At Springfield:

The principle aim of religious education at Springfield is to engage pupils to use higher level thinking skills to make enquiries and develop an understanding and appreciation for the expression of beliefs, cultural practices, religions, and worldviews in the local, national, and wider global community.

PlanBee meets the requirements of our locally agreed syllabus and is aligned to the non- statutory guidance described above.

By following PlanBee in conjunction with our local agreed syllabus we intend that Religious Education will:

  • engage pupils in enquiring into and exploring questions arising from the study of religion and belief, so as to promote their personal, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
  • provide pupils with knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other principal religious traditions and beliefs represented in Great Britain and the rest of the world.
  • enable pupils to become aware of their own beliefs and values.
  • encourage pupils to develop a positive attitude towards other people who hold religious beliefs different from their own.

Religious Education is generally taught on a weekly basis but is sometimes delivered through a class topic or as a whole school RE day. Lessons are planned and delivered in a variety of ways ensuring that all pupils can access and participate in lessons. Interactive, practical activities encourage the children to discuss their ideas and extend their understanding of difficult concepts and challenging questions.

In the local community, we have a partnership with St. Saviours, that provides children an opportunity throughout the academic year to support the Community Foodbank and to have assemblies delivered directly by the St. Saviours team. This partnership enables children to develop a deeper understanding of the importance of taking part in our local community. 

Click here to view the year group subject overview

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