GLF Schools

School House System

The primary purpose of the House system is to create a sense of spirit and belonging across the school and allow pupils to mix with all year groups.

As we move through the new academic year, there will be many fun and inclusive house themed events that the children will participate in. These will include the following: a fun run; multicultural event; arts and craft session; general knowledge quiz; performing arts activity.  The staff House Leaders and newly appointed House Captains, who will help to plan and run these events, are detailed below:






Fun Run

It was thrilling to see all the children dressed in their House colours last Friday, whilst competing in our first House event of the year – The Springfield Fun Run. The children ran around a pre-determined course for a set period, aiming to complete as many laps as possible to earn points for their house team. All had fun and demonstrated a great team spirit when competing.

Willow House won the EYFS/KS1 race; Beech won the KS2 race. The overall winner was Beech House.

Great work Springfield!



Multicultural House event

Following our Multicultural House event, children had the opportunity to create a project about a country of their choice as part of a competition and we are thrilled to unveil the exceptional talents and efforts of our participants. After careful deliberation and review by our House leaders and captains, we’re excited to announce the outstanding winners who shone brightly among the impressive pool of entries.

Rec/KS1 - Alexander - Sparrow class - Pine House

KS2 - Yaasmin - Buzzard class - Pine House

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all participants for their creativity, dedication, and hard work. Your enthusiasm and commitment truly made this competition a resounding success.


Art and Craft House event

In our continuous commitment to enriching the school environment, our pupils have enthusiastically undertaken the task of redesigning the House boards in our school hall. Embracing a creative approach, the children have meticulously crafted shields that not only showcase their artistic talents but also serve as powerful symbols of our school values. Each shield is a fusion of meaningful pictures and words, skilfully chosen to embody the core principles that define our school community. Beyond mere artistic expression, this endeavour is a dedicated effort to foster a profound sense of belonging and pride among our pupils, strengthening the bonds that make our school a unique and supportive community. Witness the visual representation of our shared values at its finest as the redesigned House boards take centre stage in our school hall, a testament to the unity and creativity thriving within our vibrant educational setting.





Performing Arts - House song

Springfield was assigned a song to learn, with the morning dedicated to mastering their melodies. The culmination of their hard work and dedication was then showcased in our Celebration assembly, where each House performed their song on our school values, the Springfield ACE. It was an unforgettable event; well-done to everyone. 



Please see information below about all the different house events our house leaders have organised and lead throughout the academic year. 


HOUSE EVENTS 2023/2024