GLF Schools

Springfield Parents & Teachers Association (PTA)

Springfield Primary School Association (PTA) are a dedicated group of parent and teacher volunteers who meet once half-Every PTA event is an opportunity to meet other parents and you will be part of a like-minded network of people who all share a common goal of improving the school for all our children.


PTA website


PTA Noticeboard: Remember to keep an eye out for more updates and event information on the PTA noticeboard by the school gates.




PTA News

Christmas Disco

Thanks to the incredible support and enthusiastic participation of our school community, our Christmas Disco was a resounding success! The joyous celebration brought our children together for a time of fun, laughter, and festive cheer.

The PTA are thrilled to announce that, through your generous contributions and the hard work of our dedicated volunteers, we have successfully raised £698 in profits from this event. This achievement would not have been possible without the collective effort and commitment of our wonderful PTA team.

A heartfelt thank-you goes out to all the volunteers who dedicated their time and energy to ensure the smooth running of the event. Your efforts are truly appreciated, and without your invaluable contributions, such successes would not be possible.


🐰🌷 Easter Raffle Success: A Celebration of Generosity!

We are thrilled to announce the tremendous success of our Easter Raffle event, which raised an incredible £705 for our school! 

Thanks to the overwhelming support and generosity of our families, our raffle was a resounding triumph. 

The prizes were truly egg-ceptional, and we extend our gratitude to Mama Shack, Tesco and Morrisons who donated the prizes; we are immensely grateful for their support. A huge round of applause also goes to our dedicated PTA for their hard work and dedication in making this event a roaring success! 

Congratulations to all the lucky winners especially who won the giant chocolate bunny egg and the two giant surprise eggs.



Last week, children joined us for an exhilarating Bingo extravaganza tailored exclusively for them! Organised by the PTA and Mrs Wilson (Head of School Partnerships), this lively event unfolded on Wednesday 24th April.

Children from Reception and Key Stage 1 were welcomed into the Infant Hall between 3:15 and 4:15, while the older pupils in Key Stage 2 enjoyed their bingo session in the Junior Hall from 3:30 to 4:30. Laughter, prizes, and bingo madness filled their afternoon, making it a memorable experience for all!

The Bingo event was a resounding success, raising an impressive £480! These funds will be reinvested into our school community, ensuring continued support for various initiatives and activities. A heartfelt thank-you extends to all members of the PTA and teachers who participated and contributed to the resounding success of this event!



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