GLF Schools

School Development Priorities

School Development Priorities for 2024-2025

School values - Explore


Strand 1: Quality of Education


  1. To close the performance gap for SEN pupils in maths, increasing the % securing ARE to 55% or above with 10% GDS.


1.2 To close the gap in performance for DA pupils in maths, increasing the % securing ARE to 65% or above, with 15% achieving GDS.


1.3 To close the performance gap for SEN pupils in writing, increasing the % securing 55% or above, with 10% GDS.


1.4. To close the performance gap for DA pupils in writing, increasing the % securing ARE to 68% or above, with 15% GDS.


1.5 To deepen teachers’ understanding of the curriculum objectives in writing, to inform planning and accuracy of assessment.


1.6 To effectively identify and support SEN pupils’ needs in EYFS through a targeted strategy, linked to the school’s EYFS in-school TAF, with a focus on PSED and C and L, with 55% or above of SEN pupils securing GLD.


1.7 To embed consistently strong practice in phonics across the school securing 90% in Year 1 phonics and 100% in Year 2.

School values – Contribute

Strand 2: Behaviour and attitudes

2.1 To implement a targeted strategy for reducing PA to 10% or lower and within this to reduce the differential between DA and non-DA pupils by 3% to 95%.


2.2 To develop an EYFS in-school TAF offer for all new families, providing appropriate pastoral care to the end that attendance increases to 96% and EYFS reflections fall by 20%.


2.3 To provide further support and training for all staff in how to best manage pupils’ behaviour during recreational times, providing training on adult-supported play, de-escalation strategies and restorative approaches which serve to reduce incidents of physical behaviour by 20%.


2.4 To provide HLTAs with further support and training on addressing low level disruption in lessons, seeing an improvement in the quality of learning and a reduction in extreme behaviours.


2.5 To develop a behaviour policy and procedures for the Rainforest Room and pupils with the highest SEND needs.


School values - Aspire

Strand 3: Personal Development

3.1 To provide pupils with opportunities to aspire, contribute and explore through the whole school, cultural capital programme.

School values – Aspire, Explore and Contribute

Strand 4: Leadership and management

4.1 To continue to ensure the school realises PAN, with waiting lists of 5 or more for each year group, through implementing a robust marketing strategy


4.2 To continue to carefully manage the school’s budget to the end that the school retains a 5% GAG surplus.


4.3 To continue to build professional development pathways for all staff, to the end that expertise is deepened and retained. 


Strand 5: EYFS

5.1 To achieve 80% GLD in Reception and N2, closing the SEN gap to 55% and the DA to 65%, with a focus on: C and L, writing and PSED.