GLF Schools


Excellent attendance underpins Springfield's core commitment in fostering excellence in every child. We expect all children to attend school every day and on time. In this way children flourish in classroom environments which promote learning in every regard. High levels of attendance not only serve to safeguard pupils’ academic progress, but also supports their positive emotional well-being through PSHE, pastoral care and opportunities to develop sustained friendships.


Why is attendance important?
School ensures that children have the best start in life and that they are equipped for succeeding both academically and socially so that they can achieve in their exams and manage relationships. Children who miss school are more likely to become victims or perpetrators of crime. The more school children miss the harder it is to catch up. Statistics show that 90% of persistent absentees (those with attendance below 90%) fail to achieve 5 or more good GCSE grades or equivalent. Poor examination results limit young people's options. Good school outcomes are the passport into higher education and better jobs.


What can parents do to ensure good attendance at school?

  • Create good routines for mornings at home so that your child can arrive punctually and ensure they are properly equipped with the right uniform, PE kit, school bag, pencil case, and books
  • Read all school communications
  • Encourage and show interest; discuss their day with them.
  • Check your child understands their homework and that it has been completed.
  • Contact the school if your child is worried about something, causing reluctance to go to school.
  • Set realistic boundaries and sanctions
  • Let the school know the reason(s) for any absence and a likely return date, on the first day of the absence and update the school daily.
  • Make medical/dental appointments out of school time, whenever possible.
  • Do not take holidays during term time.


What do I need to do if my child cannot attend school?

We monitor attendance daily for safeguarding purposes, if your child cannot attend school then we ask that you call the school office (01932 782815) by 8.55am. If we do not receive a phone call, we will contact you, to ensure that your child is safe, if we do not receive an explanation the absence will be marked as unauthorised.


Acceptable reasons for school absence - which cannot be scheduled outside of school hours.

· Emergency dental/medical appointments.

· Day of religious observance

· Family bereavement

Unless ill, you should request permission for your child to miss school, well in advance, giving full details of the absence.


Penalty Notices 


Penalty Notices to Address Poor Attendance at School 

Leave of absence in term time (5 days or 10 sessions or more).  

Please be aware that The Education (Pupil Registration)(England)(Amendment) Regulations 2013, which became law on 01 September 2013 state that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. The Headteacher is also required to determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if leave is granted. In such cases the Headteacher/Governing Body must decide whether there are exceptional circumstances. They may request that Surrey County Council issue Penalty Notices when the absence is not authorised.  

Warnings will not be given where it can be shown that parents have been notified that such absences will not be authorised. 

Finally, the issuing of a Penalty Notice will also be considered where it is judged that a parent is failing to ensure their child's regular school attendance. This will be considered when a pupil has incurred 10 or more unauthorised sessions in the previous 10 school weeks, which may include a pupil arriving late after close of registration. If you believe at any stage that your child’s absence from school may leave you liable to receive a Penalty Notice, it is extremely important that you act without delay to secure their regular attendance. If you have any questions or require further support to achieve an improvement in your child’s attendance, please contact your child’s school or the Attendance Advice Officer.  


Amount Payable for a Penalty Notice and Consequences for repeat unauthorised absences 

1.  The first penalty notice will be charged at the rate of £160.00, per parent/carer per child, if paid within 28 days. This will be reduced to £80.00 if paid within 21 days of receipt of the notice. Failure to pay the Penalty Notice will result in Surrey County Council considering legal proceedings against you in the Magistrates Court.  

2. If you have incurred a penalty notice relating to this child/children since 19 August 2024, the rolling 3 year period will be activated from the date of the first penalty notice and the second penalty notice will be charged at the flat rate of £160.00, per parent/carer per child, if paid within 28 days. There will be no reduction for payment within 21 days. Failure to pay the Penalty Notice will result in Surrey County Council considering legal proceedings against you in the Magistrates Court.  

3. If you have incurred 2 penalty notices relating to this child/children in the rolling 3 year period since the first penalty notice was issued, then you will NOT receive a third penalty notice – Surrey County Council will have no option but to consider a prosecution, per parent/carer per child, in the Magistrates Court under s 444 Education Act 1996. Surrey County Council is not responsible for authorising pupil absence and therefore cannot withdraw any Penalty Notice requests without the written permission of the Headteacher.  A prosecution will lead to a criminal record.  

Surrey County Council have also recognised that educational neglect is a category they need to add to their services, from 1st September 2024, schools will be able to refer children to Childen’s services for education neglect. 



What if my child is too ill to go to school?

It’s usually safe for parents and carers to send their children to school with mild illnesses, like a minor cough, runny nose or sore throat.

However, children should stay at home if they have a high temperature of 38C or above.

The NHS has published guidance to help parents and carers decide whether their child is well enough to attend school, including information on a range of common childhood illnesses and conditions, such as coughs, colds, chickenpox, measles and headlice.


      NHS2               nhs3



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