GLF Schools

Upper KS2

In Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 and Year 6), we endeavour to create a positive learning environment, which allows all pupils to thrive. The Upper KS2 team work closely together to encourage children to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for the transition into secondary education. High expectations of behaviour, independent learning and a challenging curriculum are at the heart of our culture for learning.

In maths, we follow the pedagogy of Teaching for Mastery. Our schemes of learning are taken from the White Rose Maths, who believe in creating; 'a culture that produces strong, secure learning and real progress.' We build upon the learning from Years 3 and 4, by learning to apply children’s knowledge of multiplication and division tables to developing a strong understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages. We ensure that children have a solid understanding of arithmetical fluency, before applying this knowledge in reasoning tasks and more challenging problem solving.

In English, we recognise the importance of ‘Talk for Writing’ and developing children’s speaking and listening skills, before children are asked to apply these skills into writing from a range of genres and for a range of purposes. We ensure that all children are given a clear and motivational purpose to their writing, allowing them to practise the skills needed for different audiences.

A culture of early excellence in reading has been created through the home-school partnership, which provides the foundation for reading development.

Resources and extra-curricular opportunities enable children to develop a life-long love of reading. Texts are carefully selected to afford rich writing opportunities and these link to all aspects of the curriculum. Within lessons, there is an explicit focus on teacher modelling and direct vocabulary instruction, in order to create independent and skilled writers.

For all foundation subjects, we follow the GLF Curriculum.  The GLF Curriculum is broad and balanced, with a mixture of: skills, knowledge and creativity. which deepen their knowledge and understanding of the wider world. Progress and attainment is tracked through the skills framework assessment and outcomes inform teaching.

What do our parents and carers think about UKS2 at Springfield Primary School?

'The pick-and-mix homelearning is lovely and encourages collaboration.'

'I have nothing but praise for all you do for my children.'

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