Young Carers
At Springfield Primary School, The Pastoral Team have formed a partnership with Surrey Young Carers in order to support our Young Carers in reaching their greatest potential. Life at school provides challenges for all young people, but for those with a caring role at home there are often additional difficulties with their education. At Springfield we want to work together to offer an extra support network for those children who are Young Carers. As part of the partnership, we have introduced a Young Carers policy, which is available on the school website, all staff receive training from Surrey Young Carers and The Pastoral Team deliver assemblies linked to Young Carers. If you feel your child may be a Young Carer or for more information please contact Miss Seagrove, Pastoral Lead, who will be happy to support.
What is a Young Carer?
A young carer is a person aged 18 or under who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member. This can include, but is not limited to, a person with:
- A long term illness or condition
- A physical or learning disability
- A substance misuse problem
- A mental health problem
For more information on how to get support for a young carer contact:
Phone: 0303 040 1234
Click here to view the Young Carers Policy